Due Date: Wed, Feb 20, before the beginning of class.
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
The supplementary file (IK_MechArm.mb) that you will need for the IK tutorial listed below can be found in the same folder (called Anim) of tutorial files which you downloaded in the previous lab.
In Maya, go to Help -> Tutorials.
Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2012. In the contents,
click on Getting Started with Maya, and then Animation.
Do the following lessons:
The above tutorials will not be collected.
Project Setup: Create your new project, following these directions for folders and other settings.
Music Assignments: Hopefully, by the lab time, you will find 10 second music loops in the folder \IDS252Sp13\Lab5\MusicLoops. Below are the assignments:
Forrest | Bounce 7.aif | James | FYS ASSIGN 7 FUNKY LOOP.aif |
Mara | sea song.aif | Jack | KGA assign 7.aif |
Juliana | loop a.aif | Emma | KGA assign 7.aif |
Katie D. | MSW 10 sec loop.aif | Darrin | New Sound.aif |
Trevor | creepy space fixed.aif | Austin | Oh_10 sec trial 2.aif |
Kelci | Samurai Squad .wav | Jessica | sea song.aif |
Yang | TCR 10 Second Audio.aif | Vinny | The Rise of Golgometh MCN.aif |
George | Samurai Squad .wav | Harry | Oh_10 sec trial 1.aif |
Collin S. | JLL 10 Second Audio.aif | Ian | Bounced up redo.aif |
Xavier | 10 Second Loop CDS Fix.aif | Colin Y. | loop b.aif |
Note, there are several longer sounds in the "optional" folder. If you want to swap the sound file you have with one of these, let Prof Orr know in class on Friday. If your original assignment is not shared with anyone else, then we may want to find someone else to do it.
Loading Music into Maya:
Creating Your 10 Second Animation Loop: Listen to the sound multiple times to develop a sense of the movement and feeling of the music. Based on this, create an animation that is your response to the music (remember, there is no right or wrong). As in the last lab, your animation should be a loop, i.e. it's end should transition seamlessly back into the beginning. Be prepared to discuss how you applied at least several of the animation principles listed below. Refer to UW Principles for detailed explanations.
Using a Rigged Character: If you wish, you may use the rigged character bloke (bloke_v2.8.ma), whose maya file may be found in the folder on cs-render in \IDS252Resources\RiggedCharacters. You need to copy the file over to your project.
Combining Sound and Animation: When you render the frames in Maya, the sound is not attached. You must combine the frames and the sound separately. To add sound to the final quicktime animation, you will need to load the sound file into Adobe Premiere elements along with the image frames. The frames are dragged down to the video track and the audio needs to be dragged down to the audio track. Make sure the video and audio are properly aligned. Generate the quicktime as you did in the last lab. (See directions)
Before class on Wed, Feb 20, place your final animation on cs-render in the folder \IDS252Sp13\Lab5\FinalAnimations. Animations will be graded based on these questions, which will be discussed during the critique.