Lab 6: Collaboration, Character, and Sound
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2013

Due Dates:
Wed, Feb 27: Modeled Characters with controls will be evaluated in class.
Fri: Mar 1, Animation is due before the beginning of class.

Evaluation Sheet (pdf)

Group and Sound Assignments are here.


The goals of this lab are to:

Maya Tutorials

Files and Folders


This lab is a good time to test out the render farm. See directions here: Farm.

Project Description and Directions

Foley Sound

You and your partner will be assigned several foley sound effects.

Sound Assignments: You will find sounds in the folder \IDS252Sp12\Lab6\FoleySounds. Assignments will be made after you choose a partner. We want to make sure at least one sound from each musician is used.

Loading Music into Maya:


On Wed, Feb 27, the class will evaluate your characters. Nothing is actually turned in but you will be graded on what you have to show to the class (5 pts).

Before class on Fri, Mar 1, place your final animation on cs-render in the folder \IDS252Sp13\Lab6\FinalAnimations. Animations will be graded (20 pts) based on the evaluation sheet, which will be discussed during the critique.