Lab 7: Story Development
IDS252: 3D Animation,
Spring 2013
Due Dates:
Mon, Mar 4: | First draft of story (text) is due at the beginning of lab.
Wed, Mar 5: | Revised story (with check list) and rough storyboards are due.
Fri, Mar 7: | Final (large) storyboards are due.
Animation groups will be decided on this day!
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
- Develop a story idea for a 1 minute animation.
- Draw the storyboards.
- Pitch the story and revise.
- Entire Class: Choose stories and groups for final project.
- Deliverables: The text of a story and the corresponding storyboards pitched to class.
Files and Folders
- In this lab you may work alone or with one partner. On cs-render, in folder \IDS252Sp13\Lab7,
create a folder with your login name (if you are working alone), or with the name of both you and your partner. Any
files you create or use should go in this folder.
During Lab (Fri, Mar 1)
- In lab, you will work in pairs to go over a story development exercise: StoryExercise.docx.
Other resources may be found here.
- Before the end of lab, decide whether you want to work alone or with one other person
(you are strongly encouraged to work with a partner!).
Homework (due Mon, Mar 4):
Through email, Google docs, or in person, discuss various story ideas with your partner:
- Aim for a story that is 1 minute long. Remember, modeling and animation is hard so, as they say, KISS (keep it simple stupid!)
- Once you decide on a story, write it down in text/paragraph form. It does not need to be more than a few paragraphs long.
Be certain to think about the following:
- This is a visual story - your words must show, not tell, e.g. see p.3 of your textbook.
- Identify the emotion, intention, and thoughts of the characters. How will these be visually
conveyed to the audience? Don't rely on subtlety.
- Your animation will have music but no dialog. What, if anything,
will you want to convey to the musicians?
- Come to class on Monday with a rough draft of your story.
It should be typed (e.g. in Word). Place this file in your Lab 7 folder on cs-render.
Be prepared to discuss the
questions in the Story Check List given in the Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
During Lecture/Lab (Mon, Mar 4)
During Lecture and Lab (Wed, Mar 6)
During Lecture and Lab (Fri, Mar 9)
During Lecture and Lab (Mon, Mar 11)
Warning: On Monday, Mar 11, we will vote on the stories -
if absent, you will be assigned a story.
This lab will be graded based on the items in the Evaluation Sheet (pdf).