Lab 3: Lighting and Shading
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2016

Due Date: Tues, Feb 9, before the beginning of class.
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)
Word Assignments


The main artistic goal of this lab is to use lighting and shading to help convey the mood and meaning of a scene. The main technical goals are:

WARNING: Lighting and shading are very complicated subjects. You will not be an expert after doing this lab but you should be familiar with the basic concepts. Note, that while the concepts have not changed, Autodesk has made a lot of changes to the interface between 2015 and 2016. Many of these changes are for the better, but it means that tutorials based on Maya 2015 or earlier will not correspond well with the Maya 2016 interface and options. Color Management is one item that has changed significantly. Global illumination settings have also changed, e.g. in the Render Settings. Please keep this in mind if you do tutorials from before 2016. The reason for doing these earlier tutorial is that there are still may concepts that can be learned including concepts not yet covered in the available 2016 tutorials.

Texture Resources

Digital Tutors

The following lessons are not required but are suggested especially if the Autodesk Maya tutorials (next section) are confusing or if you want to go beyound the Autodesk tutorials. Go to the Introduction to Maya 2016 and watch the following. The bolded ones are most important although they are all valuable:

If you want to learn more about Mental Ray, look at Introduction to mental ray in Maya 2015

If you want to learn more about Color Management, look at Linear Workflow Rendering Strategies in Maya

Part 1: Autodesk Maya Tutorials (not collected)

Part 2: Exploring Facial Expressions

Facial expressions are a key way humans express emotion. In this section, you will work with facial controls of rigged characters.

Part 2: Expressing Mood

The goal of this portion of the assignment is to use everything you have learned above to convey the meaning of a word you have been given. See Word Assignments.

Suggestions for the scene:


Your work is due on the date at the top of this lab. There is also a link to the evaluation sheet, which will be used during the critique (attendance is important!)

Copy your images over the \IDS252Sp16\Lab3\FinalImages\your_name.

Make sure your project is also on cs-render in the folder \IDS252Sp16\Lab3\MayaProjects\your_name. Your project and scene file should be well organized (objects are named and grouped, unneeded items are deleted, etc). Please delete any image ipr or *.iff files in your project folder. .