Animation Mentor Student Showcase - 2007
Using a Rigged Character:
- Right click on Bony and "Save Link as". Place it in the scenes folder of your Maya project for Lab 2.
- IK (Inverse Kinematics) vs FK (Forward Kinematics)
Style and Camera
- Color Scheme Designer.
- Chp 1 Visual Story Telling and Storyboards - how the juxtaposition of images
tells a story.
- Chp 3: Fundamentals of the Shot. Also look at:
- online at
Film Analysis; 3. Cinematography; Framing.
- Scott McCoud's "Making Comics" - excerpt is on cs-render in folder IDS252Resources\bookExcerpts
- Using the Camera to Tell the Story, e.g.
12 Angry Men and For the Birds
- See Lab 2 Evaluation Sheet for design and story elements to consider.
Maya Demonstrations:
- Using a rigged character
- Giving an object a unique color.
- Transformations, pivot points, nodes, and parent/child relationships.
- Duplicating objects.
- Cameras - types, creating your renderCam, etc
- Cleaning up scene files to prepare for importing
- Making a Composition - Importing files
Time Permitting - start discussion of Lighting and Shading