Due Dates:
Friday, April 20 your scanned object should be done.
Monday, April 30 turn in your final sculpture before the beginning of class.
Each student in the class will scan at least one object, and all of the scanned objects will be shared among the class. You are then to design a composition of your choice with the requirement that it incorporates at least one scanned object combined with parts of other objects or newly modeled elements. You may transform, deform, duplicate, cut, or assemblage these objects in whatever way you wish. The composition may be representational and, as usual, it should be unified, balanced, asymmetrical, avoid frontality, and make effective use of negative space. The composition should be cleanly and smoothly constructed. Lighting, materials, textures should be chosen in an intentional and strategic way.
We will be using a NextEngine 3D scanner available from the the Atkinson Graduate School of Management's Rapid Prototyping Lab (RPL).
Scanning: In class, the instructor will give a demo showing how to scan an object. Scanning can take several hours and so you will not be able to complete your scan during class time. There will be a sign-up sheet for the scanner so you don't get in each other's way.
Scanner Location: The scanner is kept in Ford 205. Please make sure that this room is securely locked when you are not there especially at night. 3D scanners are expensive; we do not want it to walk off.
Challenges: Working with scanned data can be difficult:
File Format: Scanning will generate many different files. Your final scanned object should be saved/exported to obj format, which is a format that can be imported into Maya. To import an obj file in Maya, you will need to make sure the proper plug-in is set by going into Window->Settings/Preferences->Plug-in Manager and checking the box objExport.mll.
Files: Please work on cs-render in the \IDS360Sp12\Lab7 folder. The subfolders are:
ScanningFiles: Scanning will generate many different files. As you scan, have the scanner software save your files here in the subfolder with your name. The scanned object should be as complete as possible (i.e. it should resemble the original object as much as possible) and it should be water-tight (the scanning software can do this for you).
ScannedObjects: When you have your final obj file, import it into Maya and do the following
MayaProjects: The Maya projects for your sculpture should go here in the subfolder with your name. After creating a new project, copy over from the ScannedObjects folder the objects you intend to use. If you are using more than one scanned object, create a new Maya scene file and, one at a time, import the objects into it. If you are using just a single scanned object, you can just work in the copied file.
MayaImages: Place two sample images of your sculpture here in the subfolder with your name.
Due Dates: Please complete your scanned object by Friday, April 20th. The final sculpture is due on the last day of class, Monday, April 30.
Evaluation of this lab will be based on the following criteria (pdf)