Lab 7: 3D Scanning
IDS360: 3D Virtual Sculpture, Spring 2012

Due Dates:
Friday, April 20 your scanned object should be done.
Monday, April 30 turn in your final sculpture before the beginning of class.


  1. To understand the requirements and constraints of 3D scanning.
  2. To continue developing skill in the intentional use of color in design.
  3. To continue developing skill in three dimensional design
  4. To continue developing skills in Maya.

General Description

Each student in the class will scan at least one object, and all of the scanned objects will be shared among the class. You are then to design a composition of your choice with the requirement that it incorporates at least one scanned object combined with parts of other objects or newly modeled elements. You may transform, deform, duplicate, cut, or assemblage these objects in whatever way you wish. The composition may be representational and, as usual, it should be unified, balanced, asymmetrical, avoid frontality, and make effective use of negative space. The composition should be cleanly and smoothly constructed. Lighting, materials, textures should be chosen in an intentional and strategic way.

3D Scanning

We will be using a NextEngine 3D scanner available from the the Atkinson Graduate School of Management's Rapid Prototyping Lab (RPL).

Example Websites

Instructions and Requirements


Evaluation of this lab will be based on the following criteria (pdf)