Human Brain






Generally, few genuinely academic books are published as “trade books”—that is, as publications by commercial presses that have hopes or expectations that book sales will prove to be financially profitable. The books I have published that fall into this category are intended to have an appeal that is broader than specialized, technical research monographs. Most are intended for college-educated readers who are willing sometimes to work through ideas that are not always simple and easy to understand.


Here is a list of the so-called trade books I’ve published; clicking on each title will take you to a page that describes that book in detail:


When You Don’t Know Where to Turn: A Self-diagnosing Guide to Counseling and Therapy


The Pathology of Man: A Study of Human Evil


Voices from the Past — A Quintet of Novels (by Paul Alexander Bartlett, edited by me)


Sappho’s Journal (by Paul Alexander Bartlett, edited by me)


Christ’s Journal (by Paul Alexander Bartlett, edited by me)


Normality Does Not Equal Mental Health: The Need to Look Elsewhere for Standards of Good Mental Health


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