Topics for the Week of August 31, 2010
CS 445: Computer Graphics
- First Day Quiz (anonymous!).
- Fill out lab access form.
- Discuss course structure and expectations
- Lab 1: Building a Ray Tracer (3 weeks)
- Ray Tracing:
- Netbeans Downloads:
- Netbeans download page
- If you don't have the latest Java installed, then I suggest that you get the
bundled package
- You won't need JOGL for a few weeks, but if you want to get it installed now, you need to
download the Netbeans OpenGL Pack.
Once you down load it, unzip it. Then, in Netbeans, go to the Tools->Plugins, choose the "Downloaded" tab.
Click on the "Add Plugins" button. Browse for the files you just unzipped and select them all. Then in the Plugins
tool, check them all and click "Install". Some of them may not work (e.g. GLSL Editor). If so, just skip them.
- You can test JOGL, by creating a new project - Categories: Java, and Projects: JOGL Application. Then
try running the program.
- Misc Links
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