- Continue work on Lab 8: Final Project (See timeline)
Homework due on Monday, Oct 29:
- Revise storyboards based on feedback from class.
- Scan the storyboards into the computer to create the 1 minute storyreel.
See instructions
Please don't wait until Monday morning to do all of this.
- Collect as much reference material as you can and place it on enfuzion. For example:
- Take photos, download images from the web, or draw sketches of characters, objects, places that
might appear in the story. If you need to borrow a digital camera, please let me know.
- Begin to sketch out some different character gestures that are important in your story. Are
you able to convey these well visually? If not, how can you modify the look of your character
to better convey the needed emotions?
- Begin to think about the overall style of the animation. For example, what colors will be dominant?
Will the lighting be bright or dark, high contrast or low? Will the look be fairly realistic or will it be
more stylized (in what way)?
In class on Monday, Oct 29:
- Pitch storyreels. Brief coverage of reference material.
- Vote on stories.
- Establish groups. Each group needs to come up with a group name.
An email group will be established with that name. Each week,
every member of the group will send out a status report (which day?).
The status report is intended to be brief and should include the following:
- What did I accomplish this week?
- What do I plan on accomplishing next week?
- Groups meet and begin work on story revisions, shot list, task list.
- Discuss what we mean by animatics (see Scrat)
Homework due on Wed, Oct 31:
- Complete story revisions and revise storyreel
- Complete shot list, task list.
- Continue to collect reference material to establish look&feel.
In class on Wednesday, Oct 31:
- Review storyreels.
- Present detailed analysis of reference material, look&feel.
- Begin work on animatics and scene&character modeling. Animatics
is most important.
Homework due on Monday Nov 5:
- Be prepared to review progress made on animatics and modeling.
- Note: animatics should be complete by Wed Nov 7.