- Continue work on Lab 8: Final Project (See timeline)
In class on Monday, Oct 22:
- Present the stories. 2-3 paragraphs (text only).
- Begin to work on storyboards.
The storyboards do not have to be drawn well but do need to indicate certain information.
Here are some gudielines:
- You might want to do some initial sketching out by drawing multiple boards
per page. (See small).
However the final storyboards need to be
one board per 8.5x11 sheet of paper. (See large.)
- Indicate the type of camera shot and
any camera movement (e.g. use arrows)
- Indicate the large scale movement of characters/objects (again, use arrows).
- Include a one sentence description of what is happening.
- Every detail does not have to be specificed. You should only have at most 10-15 storyboards.
- For example:
Taken from
Acting with a Pencil
Homework due on Wed, Oct 24:
- Complete the first pass at the storyboards.
- Begin to collect reference material and think about the look & feel. Guidelines:
- Take photos or draw sketches of
characters, objects, places that might appear in the story. If you
have a toaster in the scene, take pictures of different toasters from different angles. Include
some dimensions if possible. These
pictures will be very important later when you begin modeling.
- Sketch out some different character gestures that are important in your story. Are
you able to convey these well visually? If not, how can you modify the look of your character
to better convey the needed emotions?
- Identify the overall style of the animation. What colors will be dominant? Will the colors be bright primaries or
more complex? Will the lighing be bright or dark, high contrast or low? Will the look
be fairly realistic or will it be more stylized (in what way)?
- Reference material should be placed on enfuzion.
In class on Wednesday, Oct 24:
- Pitch storyboards and take notes on needed revisions.
- Present initial reference material and discuss thoughts on the look & feel.
Homework due on Monday Oct 29:
- Complete collecting the reference material and place it all on enfuzion. You may need to
scan some images into computer.
- Revise storyboards based on feedback from class.
- Scan revised storyboards and create storyreel.
- The final stories and groups will be chosen Monday based (mostly) on a class vote.
Notes and Links:
- Animation Production
- Three states:
- Pre-production (Thinking Stage): writing, design, storyboards, animatics
- Production: (Doing Stage): modeling, animation, rendering, etc
- Post-Production (Assembling Stage): editing, final sound, title/credits
- Look again at movie examples: Shrek, Ice age.
- Example Roles
- Flowhart