Lab 3: Creating an Animation Loop
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2012

Due Date: Mon, Feb 6, before the beginning of class.


Maya Modeling Tutorials

The supplementary files you will need for the tutorials listed below can be found in the folder of tutorial files which you downloaded in the first lab (maya2012_gettingstartedlessondata). If you don't have them, you may copy them off of cs-render in the folder IDS252Resources. Please don't overwrite the original files in IDS252Resources. These tutorials will not be collected so feel free to work anywhere, e.g. on your H drive.

In Maya, go to Help -> Tutorials. Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2012. In the contents, click on Getting Started with Maya, and then Animation. Do the following lessons:

The above tutorials will not be collected.

10 Second Animation Loop

  1. Make a Project: For your 10 second animation loop, it is important for you to work on cs-render because you may not have enough space on your H-drive. For the lessons below, create a single project (e.g. called Lab3Project) on cs-render in the folder
    Remember, once the project is created, you must set the project every time you re-open Maya to insure that Maya will save files to the right place.

    Also, when you create your new project (through Maya), be certain to include certain subfolders. Read the first section here on Project Creation and Structure.

  2. 10 Second Animation Loop: You are to create a 10 second animation with the following requirements:

  3. When you have completed the animation, place it in the folder: \ids252Sp12\Lab3\FinalAnimations.
    Make sure that the name of your animation starts with your last name, as was done in previous labs.


This lab will be graded on .... For details, see Lab 3 evaluation.

Class critique: In the class critique, we will focus on the criteria in the Lab 3 evaluation.

Note that late assignments will be penalized.