Lab 2: Modeling & Storytelling
IDS252: 3D Animation, Spring 2015

Due Date: Tues, Feb 3, before the beginning of class.
Evaluation Sheet (pdf)



Part 1: Modeling Objects

  1. Making a Project: Create a single project (e.g. called Lab2Project) on cs-render in the folder
    Remember, once the project is created, you must set the project every time you re-open Maya to insure that Maya will save files to the right place.

  2. NURBS Modeling: In Maya, go to Help → Tutorials. Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2015 and then go to Getting Started with Maya. Do the following lessons:
    NURBS Modeling, Lesson 1:
    Revolving a curve to create a surface (glass)
    NURBS Modeling, Lesson 3:
    Lofting Curves to create a surface (saltshaker)
  3. Extruding along a curve: Watch the following video:
    Lesson 22: Adding Tubes using curves
    of the Digital Tutors tutorial Introduction to Maya 2015

    After watching the video, practice on your own by creating a CV curve and extruding, e.g. a circle or square along it.
    Note, the extrude command you want to use requires setting the Menu Set to "Surfaces" and then selecting the menu Surfaces→Extrude. You can also read about it by going to the Maya Help and searching on "Sweep a profile curve along a path curve".

    Once you get the hang of it and have explored the extrude options, use it to model a simple object of your choice. You could create a snake, candy cane, pretzel, or coiled rope, or a winding chord attached to a mouse/computer (you can use simple primitives with small modifications to create the mouse and computer). Keep it simple and make it a solid color.

    When you are happy with your extruded shape, be sure to do a clean-up: delete history, set the pivot, delete the cv curve, freeze transforms, if there is more then 1 part, group everything and name the object. Cleaning up is explained more below. Many of the actions are described in Digital Tutors tutorial: Lessons 34 and 46.

  4. Rendered Image: For each object (glass, saltshaker, extruded object), render an HD540 jpeg image that clearly displays the object, and copy these images over to the folder on cs-render called
    Name the image files as you did in lab 1, e.g. your_last_name__glass.jpg.

Part 2: Importing and Composing a Scene

  1. Preparing Your Objects: At this point, you have created several Maya scene files (i.e. .mb files) from labs 1 and 2. Each scene file should contain a single object such as a temple, character, glass, saltshaker, extruded object. Copy the scene files from lab 1 (temple and character) over into the scenes subfolder of your current project folder (Lab2Project), so that all of the scene files are in one place. Before you continue, prepare the objects in each scene file as described below. If you don't do this, your composition scene file will be an utter mess thus making it difficult to transform and duplicate objects.

  2. Colors: In lecture, we will discuss how to give your shapes different colors using "materials". We keep it very basic here. In a later lab, we will focus on creating more complex surface textures.

    Select the object you want to give a color. Right click on the object and select "Assign New Material". Select either a Blinn or Lambert material. In the Attribute editor, click on the the gray square next to the word Color and, in the color selector window which opens, select a color. For now, ignore all the other parameters.

    As mentioned below in the "Clean-up" list, it is important that you not use the default lambert1 material otherwise you will have conflicts when you import multiple objects.

    A consistent color scheme can help give a sense of unity to your final image. For this exercise, all your objects should be solid shades from a palette of only 2 colors, plus white and black. The two colors should either be two complements or two analogous colors, e.g. see the color scheme designer. You should choose a color palette ahead of time so that you can set the colors of your different objects to fit in with the color scheme.

  3. Cleaning Things Up:

  4. Importing Objects: Once the objects in the individual scenes are cleaned up, you can now combine these objects into one scene as follows.

  5. OPTIONAL: If you want to include a posed human-like character in your scene, then download Bloke and ask for help understanding how to pose him. His face can be very expressive!

  6. Composition: In the scene you just created, arrange/duplicate/scale/etc the different objects in a way that tells a story or makes the viewer curious. Remember that we use the term "story" very broadly. Be careful to think about things such as framing, negative space, symmetry. Note, in the class critique we will discuss the questions in the Evaluation Sheet (pdf)

  7. Images to turn in: Copy the image of your composition to same folder containing your other images (IDS252Sp15/Lab2/FinalImages/your_name) which should now contain 4 images: the glass, the saltshaker, the extruded object, the composition. Please name them accordingly. It is important that we know which is which, especially which is your intended composition.

  8. Project Folder Organization: Your project folder, Lab2Project, should be on cs-render in the folder IDS252Sp15/Lab2/MayaProjects/your_name. Please clean-up your Lab2Project folder as follows:


This lab is due at the date given at the top of this lab. It will be graded based on the criteria sheet (see link at top). There will be a peer evaluation in class on the day it is due. It is important that you are present for the critique regardless of whether you managed to finish the assignment or not.