Due Date: Wednesday, April 4, before the beginning of class.
Design a composition of your choice using the techniques and tools of your choosing. The final composition should be unified, balanced, asymmetrical, avoid frontality, and make effective use of negative space. The composition should be cleanly and smoothly constructed. Lighting, materials, textures should be chosen in an intentional and strategic way.
Tutorial: Pick one tutorial that you have not yet done on a topic that interests you. This may be an optional lesson from a previous lab or any of the tutorials listed online. Work on cs-render in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab5/TutorialProjects. Place at least one image of your tutorial work in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab5/FinalImages.
Design: Create a composition as described in the General Description above. Begin by making sketches on paper to design your composition. Consider this an opportunity to combine different forms (linear, planar, etc). Once your design has been approved by the instructors, begin to design the form on the computer. Work on cs-render in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab5/SculptureProjects.
Rendering: Include lighting, materials, and (optionally) textures. Aim for a realistic look. If ray tracing is used, use reflections thoughtfully and intentionally. If textures are used, scale and orient them carefully, and try to avoid the appearance of seams. Render your sculpture from at least two distinct viewing positions and place on cs-render in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab5/FinalImages. Use the naming convention similar to the previous labs.
Animating the Camera: As before, add a camera that moves around your sculpture. Use either a NURBS circle or your own CV curve. The camera should not move too quickly! Keep it fairly simple. Previous directions using the NURBS circle is given here. The animation should also be placed in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab5/FinalImages.
Organization: Make sure that your files are clearly named. Make sure that all objects in the scene are also clearly named and grouped.
Evaluation of this lab will be based on the following criteria (pdf)