Due Date: Wed, Mar 14, before the beginning of class.
Carefully do the tutorials so that you thoroughly understand how to achieve different types of effects by changing the shader, texture, and renderer. Once you feel familiar and somewhat comfortable with the available options in Maya, choose a previous sculpture to work on, either Lab 1 or Lab 3. Make a copy of this sculpture's Maya project and place it on cs-render in the folder IDS360Sp12/Lab4/SculptureProjects/your_name). Experiment with different shaders, textures and renderers as described below. After you have tried a number of options, pick ones you want to use for your final piece. Your choices of materials need to be distributed in an intentional and strategic way.
Please work on cs-render (or copy your projects over to cs-render after you are done). The supplementary files you will need for these tutorials below can be found in the folder IDS252Resources/maya2012_gettingstartedlessondata/GettingStartedMaya2012LessonData on cs-render. Copy over the entire project folders called Rendering, Paint and UVMapping. In Maya, you will set the project to be the appropriate folder depending on the tutorial.
In Maya, go to Help -> Tutorials.
Click on the link Getting Started with Maya 2012. In the contents,
click on Getting Started with Maya. The lessons will be under Rendering, Paint
or Polygon Texturing.
Do the following lessons:
When done, please place the following in the IDS360Sp12/Lab4 folder on cs-render in the designated subfolder
Design: In making your final decision of what setting to use, remember that the final choice of materials need to be distributed in an intentional and strategic way. Aim for a scene that looks as realistic as possible. Include reflections. Please discuss options with the instructor(s).
When done, please place the following in the IDS360Sp12/Lab4 folder on cs-render in the designated subfolder
Evaluation of this lab will be based on the following criteria (pdf)